Meet Scott, 46 year old business owner. A very busy man who struggled to find a work life balance. His physical health rapidly deteriorating, and even worse, his mental state was suffering.
We put Scott on a fail proof training program. Keeping activity high every day to make sure his output was bringing a quality calorie burn.
We utilised a simple but effective nutritional approach; increasing protein intake and having longer periods of fasting between meals.
We focused on maintaining a solid sleeping pattern for optimal recovery & stress reduction.
After the first 12 weeks Scott had lost 15kg of body weight and his muscles had started to really take shape. At 6 months Scott had lost 25kg, his strength had improved huge amounts and you could really see his muscles & body drastically changing. At 9 months he was a new man, the man you see in the picture.
30kg's down, strong, muscular, fit, healthy and most importantly, mentally focused & happier in his own shoes.

Meet Jordan, a new business owner who wanted to push herself to new levels in every part of her life.
Jordan not only wanted a new image. But to feel amazing within herself so she could smash every element of her life.
We followed a fail proof training plan, implemented simple nutrition principles and made sure to create ways of staying accountable to increase adherence.
​Lost over a 3rd of her initial body weight
Feels strong and fit
Feels confident in herself
Focused & driven
Jordan has become a completely different person. An amazing journey for an amazing woman.
Do you want results like these?